Thursday, August 20, 2009

Classes, Classes and more Classes

I again rolled a priest. The last priest I rolled I converted into a Chanter. I leveled her to 15 so I guess I didn't really get to see the class at it's strength. So this time I rolled a Cleric. I pretty much soloed all the way up to 10 on her and I will leave her at 10 until my leveling partner gets in game. Granted our guild Black Death will need healers while we are playing C-Aion but we have a few others that are currently playing Cleric/Chanter so I think we are ok for me to take a day off from leveling mine.

In every game I have ever played I have always been a main healer. I do not know what it is about Aion but I am just not feeling the healing class all that much. You would think that I would like the fact that they can carry shields and wear chain and aren't the softest target in the group like normal. I just really have issues with the targeting in the game, it throws me off badly. I can not keep my offensive target and have a defensive target and I am not sure why that messes me up so badly but it does. I really think it has something to do with the fact that if I can only target one at a time my mind locks onto that and wants to complete it before moving on. What I mean by that is if I have something targeted to kill and I am seeing it's health meter I am thinking about killing it and not paying attention to other peoples HP for heals.

So today I am going to roll my Ranger. I am almost 100% positive that I will have a Ranger as a main in NA release. I keep waffling between it and a healer because that is just what I am used to. Although I have to admit that a Gladiator just looks bad ass and I have contemplated playing one of those as well.

One last thing... My Ranger will be SHORT.. I love the fact that I can make her tiny as hell and no they don't look like little children Rer.. that is just your preception of them, and that honestly makes me worry about you a little bit!!!! ;)


  1. Hi Bel,

    Nice blog, I am currently waiting for release before stepping into Aion. Being an Aion Troll tho you might want to look at it has a nice section on creating macro's. Healer or not, you may find it useful.


  2. Get off my lawn you damn kids! *shakes fist*

    Short characters, to me, ruin that sense of immersion that Aion has. Though I suppose I'll just have to accept it, because lots of people will be short.

    I'll make a great target/lure, then you guys can jump them >:D

  3. @Chris Thanks for the new site for me to read :) I have added it to my Helpful Sites/Links. My main issue with healing in the game is that you really can not pay attention to both combat and healing, it is either one or the other. The way that the classes are set up it is rather easy to get tunnel vision and dish out the dps and not worry about the healing. I am not giving up on it yet.. but it will take some getting used to :)
